masticophis lateralis การใช้
- The "'striped whipsnake "'( " Masticophis taeniatus ornatus " ) is a species of nonvenomous colubrid snake that is closely related to the California whipsnake ( " Masticophis lateralis " ).
- The endangered San Joaquin kit fox ( " Vulpes macrotis mutica " ) and threatened California red-legged frog ( " Rana draytonii " ), California tiger salamander ( " Ambystoma californiense " ) and Alameda whipsnake ( " Masticophis lateralis " ) are present as well.
- The intermediate and upper watershed zones are also home to four federally listed faunal species the Alameda whipsnake ( " Masticophis lateralis " ), California red-legged frog ( " Rana aurora draytonii " ), San Joaquin kit fox ( " Vulpes macrotis mutica " ), and vernal pool fairy shrimp ( " Branchinecta lynchi " ).